Lake Bluff Open Lands Association
Lake Bluff Open Lands Association
The mission of the Lake Bluff Open Lands Association is the protection, preservation, restoration and management of open spaces and natural areas, including wetlands, forests, ravines, beaches,
bluffs, prairies, rivers and savannas in and around the Village of Lake Bluff, Illinois (a municipal
corporation in the State of Illinois) for the benefit of local residents and visitors.
This mission shall be accomplished through the use of established land management practices,
sound conservation techniques and educational activities and the acquisition, maintenance
and conservation of such natural areas and objects.
LBOLA is a community steward of public lands
• Carolyn Goetz Wetlands Preserve • Skokie River Prairie Land and Water Reserve
• Rockland Wetlands • Prairie Preserve on Belle Foret Drive • Bike Path Prairie
• Beach Prairie on the Lakefront • Ravine Park • Moffett Woods
• Train Station Prairie • Lake Genevieve • Dwyer Woods • Artesian Wetlands
• Multiple Conservation Easements
LBOLA was formed in 1981 by Carolyn Goetz (left) for the purpose of saving a small wetland and white pine plantation from being developed into a housing subdivision.
Carolyn’s success led to the eventual purchase of the property by the Lake Bluff Park District and what is now known as the Carolyn Goetz Wetlands Preserve.
Soon after the land was purchased, we replaced the bridge crossing Ravine Park at Gurney Avenue which was primarily spearheaded and funded by LBOLA and the Elmer Vliet family.
LBOLA also planted a native lakefront prairie habitat and cottonless cottonwoods at Lake Bluff Beach.
Prior to leaving Lake Bluff in 1996, Carolyn and LBOLA fought hard to eventually gain village permission to restore 35 acres to the south of the new water plant located just west of Highway 176, 1/4 mile west of Green Bay Road. The area is now known as the Skokie River Preserve.
It’s a “restored prairie,” in the sense that the native forbes (wildflowers) and tall grasses now growing there grew from suppressed plants or germinated from seeds that had lain dormant in the soil for several decades.
Our clearing of non-native shrubs and weeds exposed them to the sun so they could finally germinate and again retake their place in an environment where prairie and savanna habitats are constantly shrinking. The best estimates are that only 0.1% of the ‘Prairie State’ is recognizable today as either prairie or savanna. In this regard, we’re quite proud to be able to include our Skokie Preserve in the additions column.
In 1998, with the Skokie River Prairie well underway, LBOLA turned its attention to another long-neglected parcel that separated LBOLA’s Skokie River Prairie from Lake Forest Open Lands’ properties. The Lake County Forest Preserve’s “Lake Bluff Site” is an 80-acre parcel purchased jointly in the mid-1980s by the Forest Preserve District and the state’s Water Resources Department for the construction of a huge floodwater retention basin.
With the site’s future in doubt, LBOLA still moved ahead with restoration activities. We had about 15 acres cleared for prairie restoration as well as many more acres of magnificent old-growth bur oak savanna “liberated” from the invasive non-native understory that threatened its future.
In 2010 the Skokie River Prairie was registered with the Illinois Nature Preserve Commission as an Illinois Land and Water Reserve.
In 2017, LBOLA restored eastern Dwyer Woods with aid from the Lake Bluff Elementary School, it was a 5-day effort. Thanks to resident volunteers and our interns, what was a dark, impenetrable patch of buckthorn is now restored woodland.
In 2019 & 2020 LBOLA cleared a stand of aggressive Poplar from the Prairie Preserve @ Belle Foret Drive, restoring it to a prairie-savannah ecosystem.
Beginning in 2020, LBOLA undertook a number of projects with the help of state & local grants. This includes:
Thank you:
Ben Miller
Member since 2014
Albert S. Trefts, Jr.
Member since 2011
Vice President
Sue Raymoure
Member since 2020
Matt Robbins
Member since 2018
Larry McCotter
Member since 1994
Carol Russ
Member since 2018
Mary Scanlan-Hogan
Member since 2022
Sandra Hart
Member since 2014
Nels Leutwiler
Member since 2008
Janet Murphy-Ryan
Member since 1985
Wick Nan
Founding member since 1982
Aaron Towle
Member since 2020
Karen R. Crotty
Member since 2010
Bill Nordeen
Member since 2008
William Hermann
Member since 2023
Scott Gulson
Member since 1996
George Morton
Member Emeritus
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