Lake Bluff Open Lands Association
Lake Bluff Open Lands Association
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. We accept PayPal or checks; see below for our mailing address.
Workdays are generally the 2nd Sunday of each month. Watch the Events page or email for more information.
Wednesday, April 22, 2025, at 7 pm
Skokie River and Water Reserve
We will meet at the parking lot at 250 Rockland Rd. for a brief discussion, followed by a guided walk through the Skokie Reserve.
May 2025
Details TBD
The mission of the Lake Bluff Open Lands Association is the protection, preservation, restoration and management of open spaces and natural areas, including wetlands, forests, ravines, beaches, bluffs, prairies, rivers and savannas in and around the
Village of Lake Bluff, Illinois (a municipal corporation in the State of Illinois)
for the benefit of local residents and visitors.
This mission shall be accomplished through the use of established land management practices, sound conservation techniques and educational activities and the acquisition, maintenance and conservation of such natural areas and objects.
Preserve our open lands by volunteering on LBOLA workdays.
Keep up with all the news by signing up for LBOLA's monthly online newsletter
Send checks for donations or inquiries to:
P.O. Box 449 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 US
224-436-1512 This a "warm line" so leave us a message if no answer.
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